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So when did I become a fan of Touhou? It's hard to say but my closest estimate is around 2015, before Touhou 15 released fully, but when the trial was out. That was when I played the games for sure.

But that was not the first exposure to Touhou I had. 2015 was an incredibly long time ago. The closest thing I could apply to my first exposure to it was probably Bad Apple or U.N. Owen Was Her?, but I'm not really sure. I can't even really say if my interest came before or after Undertale, but I assume I got into Touhou first because of that Touhou 15 trial thing.

But ever since, Touhou has been one of my main interests. Sometimes the interest has been on-and-off, but it's still everlasting. I've even made some fan concepts for my own Touhou things.

Funnily enough though, I haven't been able to beat any Touhou game, even on Easy. Or at least the mainline ones. The only game I've beaten was a fighting game spinoff, Urban Legend in Limbo (on Easy). I have not consumed much of the other side material. The main reason I'd say I'm into touhou is just because the characters are neat and I like the music.

This does not mean I'm not interested in other aspects of Touhou but it's hard to find time sometimes.